Chocotella Cream Liquor
The Spirit
The Distillery
  • Chocotella Cream Liquor

    Chocolate and hazelnut liqueur of creamy consistency, prepared on a basis of natural ingredients. Characterised by a vivid taste of chocolate with a delicate note of hazelnut. Moderate alcohol content softens its flavor and emphasizes the distinct chocolate aroma. Excellent either neat or as an addition to ice cream and cocktails; serve cooled.

    16 % vol.

    Available volumes 700 ml, 500 ml

  • Vinpol Ltd.

    'VINPOL' Ltd was established on the 18th of September, 1990. The dynamics, engagement, and strategy of the company owners as well as the managers caused Vinpol, in short time, to find itself in the leading position among the biggest companies on the wine market in Poland, the wine market understood as sparkling, dessert, and table wines, as well as vermouths.

    The company is also strongly engaged in other categories of the alcoholic beverages. Because of that Vinpol became an important player on brandy and liqueur markets in relatively short time.

    Expansive development assured Vinpol position among the top liquor companies in Poland in years 1993-1997. Market development and search for the new solutions to be both more competitive and to offer more competitive products led Vinpol to look for a strategic partner.

    In 1997, a merging process between Vinpol and Henkell & Söhnlein Sektkellereien KG from Wiesbaden began. It was finalized in year 2001 when the Henkell & Söhnlein Group took control over 100% shares of Vinpol Ltd. The Henkell&Söhnlein Group with its affiliated companies in France, Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovenia Republic, Romania is a leading producer of sparkling wines in Europe. Being a part of the Henkell&Söhnlein Group started a new, expansive time in history of Vinpol, when one of the fundamental goals became the realization of good, international quality standards on all fields of the company activity, with simultaneous systematic and stable increase of sale.

    Important date in Vinpol history is admittance of Poland to European Union in May 1, 2004. It created additional increase of competition on the Polish market, but on the other hand, the opened markets of European Union enabled the considerable increase of sales outside Poland. Except years-old collaboration with Canada and USA, Vinpol started to sell its products in Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Romania. Entering other European Union markets and countries outside the EU is the next goal for company management.